Monday, 23 March 2015

drop the post @ glentress

Drop the post @ glentress on Saturday 21st March. Good turnout of riders & glorious sunshine on the day. 

Monday, 9 March 2015

scheduled grouprides mar 2015

Grouprides for March:

Sunday 07 March: FAIRLIE, meet WK station, 10.30am

Tuesday 10 March: EGLINTON, meet @ visitors centre carpark 7.15pm (as mud free as possible ride)

Friday 13 March: EGLINTON, meet @ visitors centre carpark 7.15pm (ARDEER ROUTE)

Tuesday 17 March: TBC

Saturday 21 March: GLENTRESS, meet 10.30am @ trailcentre

drop the post @ carron valley

Drop the post riders taking on the runway @ carron valley

drop the post @ cycle column

Drop the post make the headlines again after their trip to dalbeattie. Alan Murray, Stephen Jack & Michael Scott feature in the press shots.